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Workers’ Compensation

Nobody wants to be injured, especially while on the job. Dan know that hard-working people want to get the job accomplished safely and keep the boss happy. Dan also knows that once an employee is injured on the job, the boss or the company may want to do as little as possible to help and certainly won’t encourage injured employees to make a claim for their injuries.

Missouri law allows for such claims to compensate an employee injured on the job, regardless of a finding that the employer was negligent in causing the employee’s injury. Dan has the experience and knowledge to ensure you are provided with the necessary medical treatment and financial compensation related to your workplace injury.

As a person injured on the job, Dan feels you are entitled to your “day in court” regardless of your ability to afford an experienced lawyer. Therefore, he does not charge his clients any up-front, out-of- pocket costs, and he only collects a fee on your case if you do. Dan also advances all litigation costs for his clients.

If you have been injured at work, do not deal with your company’s insurance carrier alone. Insurance companies do not have your best interest in mind when adjusting your claim, and their goal is to pay you as little as possible. Dan will fight the insurance company for you.

Call 314.499.7287 or email today to set up a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.

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